Sunday, November 15, 2009

Aurora MP3 Stim File

After the success of Cayenne I have developed another routine with similar waves.
The file is similar in that it starts at 1500 Hz and drops to 250 Hz then rises again to 1500 Hz in about .5 sec per cycle.

There are 5 different files using the effect
Track 1 = Both Channels with Bump effects from 9pps to about 19pps
Track 2 = Channel A is same Track 1 but B is shifted by .5 seconds and has 6 to 19 pps effect, This should make for interesting Phase changes between channels.
Track 3 = Channel A is same Track 1 but B has Bullett effects at 750 Hz
Track 4 = Channel A is same Track 1 but B has Bump Squeeze at 680 Hz
Track 5 = Channel A is same Track 1 but B has Bumps at 1 pps rising to 18pps

Full Files are over 1 Hr 15 min long and 68 Meg download so it is only on Media Fire account


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